Saturday, January 29, 2011

How do your relationships rate?

Today was the final send off for a very dear 93-year-old man who'd decided it was time to move on from this life to the next.  Volumes could be written about this man, and they would differ greatly from one chapter to the next.  While one chapter would tell of a young man who was completely irreverent, the next would tell of another man who, in later years, attended Catholic Mass every day.

This was a man who loved people, especially those of the female persuasion, but all people nevertheless.  In my husband's very moving eulogy, he referred to him as both a man's man, and a ladies' man.  That sized him up quite nicely.  For him, life was all about relationships.  People were of much greater value than anything material or any job, task, hobby, or activity that appeared on his agenda.  The building could be on fire, but he would still squeeze in a moment to make YOU feel special.  There was literally nothing that he wouldn't do for the people that he loved.  Every woman he ever met thought that it was she who was the most special woman in life.  What a gift to be able to make someone else feel so unique.

The priest delivering the homily noted that when he looked at the various collages placed around at the services he was never photographed alone standing by pretty scenery.  He was with people he loved; always with people he loved.  He was enjoying life and living it to the fullest.  He noted that he took the time every single day to nurture his relationships.  How many of us can say that we do that?

Life is all about relationships.  I hope that I learned something today, and I hope that although I don't want to mimic the irreverent parts of his life, I DO want to mimic the part about building and nurturing relationships.  In the end, that is all that matters in life.

Connect with me, and let's begin building relationships together.

Copyright Priscilla Garamella 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Are you weighing the evidence to properly decide your fate?

Today I had the experience of spending the day at a federal courthouse while being questioned to see if I might be fit to carry the burden of deciding someone's fate.  Eight jurors were chosen, and I was among the final 16 to be considered.

Although I was not anxious to give up two weeks of my life to sit in a courtroom, nor was I anxious to drive the 56 miles round trip each day, I left wondering what it was that made the attorneys representing both sides feel that I should not be one of the eight chosen to decide this person's outcome.  I know I would have done my absolute best.  I wondered if the eight chosen will pay as much attention as I would have, if they will take good and thorough notes, if they will be fair and honest in their reasoning, and if they will have the courage to stand their ground against the others if they feel strongly the other way.

Having someone's future in your hands is an enormous responsibility.  Having our OWN future in our own hands is an enormous responsibility.  How many of us just glide through life without taking the time to create a road map.  If we just go through life on cruise control without taking the time and effort to plan our lives and create that map, how will we know where we are and how will we know when we've gotten there?

Have you taken the time today, this week, this month, this year to write down your own goals, plans, and wish lists?  Do you know where you're heading?  Do you know what you'll need to have or to do in order to reach your destination?  Are you willing to work on your own behalf?

When you take a look at who I am, what I do, and the company I represent, I want you to WEIGH all of the information.  Don't take anything in life on face value.  Do your homework, make your plans, dream your dreams, but know all of the facts and circumstances before you embark on your journey.

Get in touch with me to help you to assess all of the information.  I KNOW that I will be fair and honest in assessing your situation, and I KNOW that I will weigh all of the evidence and help you to decide your fate in the appropriate manner for you.

Copyright Priscilla Garamella 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is the new status symbol in 2011?

An e-mail from a dear lady I know just reminded me of you know what the new status symbol is for 2011?  A Bentley?  A 7,000 square foot home at the shore?  Perfect white teeth?  Nope, nope, nope.  It's being DEBT FREE!

How does one achieve such a lofty goal in this day and age when the cost of everything keeps going up and up and people keep losing jobs?  It won't be at the mercy of an employer who controls your purse strings, that's for sure.  You need to take responsibility for your own level of income, which means you need to become self employed.  But do you start a new business now?  What type of business will thrive in this economy?  What about the capital investment?  What about the space needed for your new venture?  What special talents do you need?  How many people will you have to hire, and are you now ready to be responsible for someone else's livelihood in addition to your own?  A massive undertaking to say the least and one that instills fear in the best of us.

There are solutions out there, but don't think a get-rich-quick scheme is going to work because if it seems too good to be true, chances are it is and you should run, don't walk, away.  Network marketing, however, is a very good way to amass a nice residual income in the shortest period of time, but you need to weigh the opportunity carefully before jumping in with both feet.  Do you want to try to sell someone a healthy drink or a weight loss potion when people are having trouble paying their monthly bills to keep their families fed and a roof over their heads?  Absolutely not.

I am happy to say that I've got the solution for you.  Being paid to shop online.  You still may balk at this concept, but think about it.  We all have to shop, whether we like it or not, because there are everyday items that we simply must have:  toilet paper, deodorant, toothpaste, aspirin, tires for our cars, and the list of necessities goes on and on.  So....why wouldn't you want to have a home-based business in which you could buy what you need from the comfort of your own home, save money on it, get paid cash back, and then share the experience with others and earn money from their efforts?  Does this sound like a no-brainer to you as it does to me?  If you're willing to just spend some time training yourself to become a really savvy shopper so you can save money on everything you buy and then sharing the concept with others, you can be well on your way to a six-figure income this year.  It's January.  You have plenty of time to get this growing for yourself.  It's a practical, simple solution THAT WORKS IF YOU WORK at it.  I won't make you baseless promises of money for nothing.  You have to expend some effort.  But you won't expend nearly the effort you do working a 40-hour work week with someone else making a profit off your back.  YOU will make the profit and you can gain that new status symbol of being debt free in no time at all.  That promise I can make.  You agree to put the time and effort in, and I will help you with your goals.  We can do it together.

I have an invitation for you.  It won't cost you a penny; it'll just cost you some time.  (Well, it'll cost you at least a penny if you're still using dial-up and paying by the minute.)  This Saturday, January 22nd, my business is offering a free online company overview from 12:00 noon until 12:45 p.m. EST.  Just click my link below at that time, and the presentation will take place right there on my home page.  It will cost you NOTHING.  You do not have to put in a name, an e-mail address, a phone number, NOTHING.   It is completely anonymous.  If you like what you see, you will be invited to sign up at that time, and then you can spend the next three hours being fully trained right there at your computer in your own comfy, fuzzy slippers.  Even if you don't sign up, you can still be trained for free and then sign up after if you're a skeptic.  Take the time for you and your loved ones.  There is no obligation whatsoever.  Adopt the Nike attitude, and JUST DO IT!!

Copyright Priscilla Garamella 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Want to thrive financially in a challenging economy?

I'm sure I'm like you, becoming more and more frustrated coping with rising food and gas prices, and becoming disenheartened by the news of friends and family losing their jobs.  Scary times we're living in, folks!  But what if I could show you a way in which you could save money on everything you buy, earn cash back, AND make some extra money all at the same time?  Would an extra $100 a month help out?  An extra $l,000?  An extra $10,000?  Why don't you let me help you out with that?

I'm just an average American mom who hates to shop, but loves to buy.  When I learned of an opportunity which would pay me cash back on everything I buy online AND that had a phenomenal built-in search engine that would find me the lowest price on every single thing I buy, I was sold.  It's so convenient and saves me so much money, that I've switched all of my shopping to the Internet.  I buy anything and everything you can think of through my shopping site, from paper towels to tires for my car, I can find the best savings, and then I get paid cash back on top of that!  In two years' time, I've been paid over $2,500 just in cash back alone, and that does not count my thousands of dollars in savings nor does it count the earnings in residual income.  And now that I'm with Kaching Kaching, I'm getting stock options too!  Man, I sure love this business!  How fun is it to just buy what I need, tell others because I'm so excited by earning money just by shopping, and then getting paid for it to boot?  Ha!  Life is good!

Seriously, if you think you need a way out of this economy, I can help you.  Just shop and refer.  That's it.  So simple.  So lucrative.

Your own home-based business can be started today.  Go check out my site, and watch the "company tour" in the upper left.  Give me a yell for any help you need and I'm at your disposal.  I'm in Connecticut, but I can help you no matter where in the U.S. you are.

Copyright Priscilla Garamella 2011