Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Groundhog Day Revisited

Can you believe it's Groundhog Day already?  I hear that Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow today, and that means that spring is on its way.  It's a little hard to convince us in the northeast who've just experienced the most snowfall EVER in the month of January and have 15-foot high walls of snow all around us that spring is imminent, but we'll revel in whatever optimism we can get nowadays, even if the uplifting wisdom comes from a furry rodent.

Most people don't think too much about Groundhog Day, but I happen to have a brother who for many years threw an annual Groundhog Day party.  I honestly don't know if he has some kind of connection to groundhogs or if there is some deeper meaning that escaped me, but I really think it was just a good excuse for a party.  He has a "Happy Groundhog Day" hat that he dusts off once a year, and, even though I think he had the day off from work today, I'm sure he wore it around the house.

Remember the movie, "Groundhog Day", in which Bill Murray's character Phil just kept living the same day over and over again?  Day after day Phil would awaken to the alarm's radio playing "I Got You Babe" only to later discover that once again it was Groundhog Day and he'd relive the same day he had experienced the previous day.

How many days does this happen to you?  Do you wake up day after day to new adventures, new opportunities, new experiences, or do you stop at the same coffee shop, go to the same job, work for the same employer and expect a different result?

I think we've all been guilty of revisiting Groundhog Day repeatedly.  It gets comfortable to have routine.  But if you're not all that happy doing the same thing over and over and you're still struggling to pay the bills and get ahead, isn't it time to break out of the habit and try something different for a change?

What if I could show you a way to save money on every single thing you buy?  What if I could show you a better way to take responsibility for your financial security?  What if I could show you a way to ensure a healthy residual income so that you might work hard for a couple of years, but then you could spend your Groundhog Days on the beach while you watched your ship sailing in with your cash?  You'd like that, wouldn't you?  Of course you would!  It sure would beat letting a critter bring your only glimmer of optimism, wouldn't it?

Copyright Priscilla Garamella 2011

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