Saturday, January 29, 2011

How do your relationships rate?

Today was the final send off for a very dear 93-year-old man who'd decided it was time to move on from this life to the next.  Volumes could be written about this man, and they would differ greatly from one chapter to the next.  While one chapter would tell of a young man who was completely irreverent, the next would tell of another man who, in later years, attended Catholic Mass every day.

This was a man who loved people, especially those of the female persuasion, but all people nevertheless.  In my husband's very moving eulogy, he referred to him as both a man's man, and a ladies' man.  That sized him up quite nicely.  For him, life was all about relationships.  People were of much greater value than anything material or any job, task, hobby, or activity that appeared on his agenda.  The building could be on fire, but he would still squeeze in a moment to make YOU feel special.  There was literally nothing that he wouldn't do for the people that he loved.  Every woman he ever met thought that it was she who was the most special woman in life.  What a gift to be able to make someone else feel so unique.

The priest delivering the homily noted that when he looked at the various collages placed around at the services he was never photographed alone standing by pretty scenery.  He was with people he loved; always with people he loved.  He was enjoying life and living it to the fullest.  He noted that he took the time every single day to nurture his relationships.  How many of us can say that we do that?

Life is all about relationships.  I hope that I learned something today, and I hope that although I don't want to mimic the irreverent parts of his life, I DO want to mimic the part about building and nurturing relationships.  In the end, that is all that matters in life.

Connect with me, and let's begin building relationships together.

Copyright Priscilla Garamella 2011

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