An e-mail from a dear lady I know just reminded me of you know what the new status symbol is for 2011? A Bentley? A 7,000 square foot home at the shore? Perfect white teeth? Nope, nope, nope. It's being DEBT FREE!
How does one achieve such a lofty goal in this day and age when the cost of everything keeps going up and up and people keep losing jobs? It won't be at the mercy of an employer who controls your purse strings, that's for sure. You need to take responsibility for your own level of income, which means you need to become self employed. But do you start a new business now? What type of business will thrive in this economy? What about the capital investment? What about the space needed for your new venture? What special talents do you need? How many people will you have to hire, and are you now ready to be responsible for someone else's livelihood in addition to your own? A massive undertaking to say the least and one that instills fear in the best of us.
There are solutions out there, but don't think a get-rich-quick scheme is going to work because if it seems too good to be true, chances are it is and you should run, don't walk, away. Network marketing, however, is a very good way to amass a nice residual income in the shortest period of time, but you need to weigh the opportunity carefully before jumping in with both feet. Do you want to try to sell someone a healthy drink or a weight loss potion when people are having trouble paying their monthly bills to keep their families fed and a roof over their heads? Absolutely not.
I am happy to say that I've got the solution for you. Being paid to shop online. You still may balk at this concept, but think about it. We all have to shop, whether we like it or not, because there are everyday items that we simply must have: toilet paper, deodorant, toothpaste, aspirin, tires for our cars, and the list of necessities goes on and on. So....why wouldn't you want to have a home-based business in which you could buy what you need from the comfort of your own home, save money on it, get paid cash back, and then share the experience with others and earn money from their efforts? Does this sound like a no-brainer to you as it does to me? If you're willing to just spend some time training yourself to become a really savvy shopper so you can save money on everything you buy and then sharing the concept with others, you can be well on your way to a six-figure income this year. It's January. You have plenty of time to get this growing for yourself. It's a practical, simple solution THAT WORKS IF YOU WORK at it. I won't make you baseless promises of money for nothing. You have to expend some effort. But you won't expend nearly the effort you do working a 40-hour work week with someone else making a profit off your back. YOU will make the profit and you can gain that new status symbol of being debt free in no time at all. That promise I can make. You agree to put the time and effort in, and I will help you with your goals. We can do it together.
I have an invitation for you. It won't cost you a penny; it'll just cost you some time. (Well, it'll cost you at least a penny if you're still using dial-up and paying by the minute.) This Saturday, January 22nd, my business is offering a free online company overview from 12:00 noon until 12:45 p.m. EST. Just click my link below at that time, and the presentation will take place right there on my home page. It will cost you NOTHING. You do not have to put in a name, an e-mail address, a phone number, NOTHING. It is completely anonymous. If you like what you see, you will be invited to sign up at that time, and then you can spend the next three hours being fully trained right there at your computer in your own comfy, fuzzy slippers. Even if you don't sign up, you can still be trained for free and then sign up after if you're a skeptic. Take the time for you and your loved ones. There is no obligation whatsoever. Adopt the Nike attitude, and JUST DO IT!!
Copyright Priscilla Garamella 2011